Ninja Axpress is a local 3rd party delivery service.
There is a service fee which is set by the agreement of the restrauant.
Most of the agreements are:
Local partnered restrauant has a 20% service fee
National nonpartnered restrauant 25% service fee.
We used the service fee to run the service and pay our bills.
We Do Not Charge The Restrauant like most other services so the only way we make any money is from the service fee.
Delivery fee which is 100% given to the driver.
100% of the Tip is given to the driver.
By placing an order with Ninja Axpress you are authorizing us to place and deliver the food at the restaurant on your behalf.
For your privacy the orders are not placed under the customers name so if you need to change or update or for questions about the orders please contact
Ninja Axpress.
We Do Not Give Refunds after the order has been placed with the restaurant. We will do everything in our power to make your order the best possible so if any issues arise call us at 616-223-8765.
Thank you for your support.